Thursday, July 15, 2010

Feds sue AZ over immigration law

The Federal Government has decided to sue the state of Arizona
because of our new immigration law. The jist of there arguement
is that immigration policy is the responsibility of the Federal Government
that the states should stay out of. I understand that arguement and could
agree with it if it weren't for one small problem. The Federal Goveernment
has no immigration plan or policy. They instead blame the state of Arizona for trying
something. In Phoenix where I live the problems associated
with the border are getting out of hand. Between drug runners and human
smugglers violence is infecting our society like a plague. The
people of the state are fed up and spoke up to our Legilatires. Unlike the Feds the
our local legislature heard us and acted. Until Obama has a plan to curb the flow
of people and drugs coming accross our border he needs to sit down and shut up
when it comes to the State of Arizona.

Monday, June 7, 2010

New iphone4

Apple and Steve Jobs announcEd the iPhone 4 today. It sounds like a beast of a device. I would get one in a heart beat if it weren't available only on AT&T. My wife and I get a nice family plan discount through Verizon because of my work. Plus most the people we know are on Verizon so calls to them cost no minutes. Oh well that's life sometimes. I think the best solution is the one I did. I got an iPod touch so I get the games, apps and iTunes without dealing with AT&T. Then I got a Blackberry on Verizon. The Blackberry is nice but the web browsing and the games stink. It's great for text and email though.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Arizona's Tax Hike begins tomorrow.

Tomorrow on June 1, 2010 the State of Arizona enacts a 1% tax increase that was passed by the voters 2 weeks ago. I realize that this money is supposed to go towards schools and public safety but you can't help wonder if this is the best idea in the middle of a very bad recession. I guess it doesn't matter since it's going to happen. 1% doesn't seem like much but on big ticket items it can add up rather quickly. I am a Libertarian and for the most part against most tax increases but for the most part I support this one as long as the money goes where its supposed to and doesn't get pissed away by the state on other programs.