Sunday, March 13, 2011

7 inch tablet vs 10 inch tablet

      I recently got my wife a first generation iPad for her birthday.  She seems to really like it. This also provided me with my first oppertunity to spend some real quality time with the iPad. My opinionson the device itself include, ips really is simple to use and the number of apps available is astonishing.
     Im really interested in discussing the form factor of the device. The 10 inch form factor of the ipad really makes web browsing and watching videos a real pleasure. Typing on the device I find a but akward given its not big enough for two handed keyboard typing but its to big for convenient thumb typing. Gameplay. On the iPad is also alot of fun. The weight of the iPad can be a bit much after holding it for a while and you end up looking for a place to prop it up. All told the iPad is nice to use as a tablet but a little akward to deal with as something you hold.
     The other tablet in our house is a rooted Nook Color. This is an Android device that is significantly different from the iPad in terms of operating system. I like Android better than ios personally.  I like the coustomization options available and the hacking possibilities Android offers. The number and quality of apps available in the Android Market isn't quite up to the level of the Apple App store, but that gap is closing every day. The whole Android vs ios debate is a matter of opinion and otherwise just a useless need war.
     The other big difference between the Nook Color and the iPad is the physical size. The Nook Color is about half the size if the iPad. Its still about 2/3 the weight. I have to say for me the smaller size makes it easier to use and hold. Typing is easier as well since thumb typing in portrait mode is very nice,  not much different than a smartphone. Now its not all roses with the smaller size since many things you want to use a tablet for are more enjoyable on a bigger screen. Particularly web browsing and video watching are just better on a bigger screen. Gaming I call a draw because im not a big gamer and haven't spent enough time on each to declare a winner.
      The small vs big debate in the tabplet wars is just starting and it certainly wont be decided anytime soon.  You really have to consider what you'll use a tablet for and where. If you mostly want to browse the web and watch youtube while sitting on your couch then definitely get the ten inch tablet. If you want a more portable device that can slip in the pocket then get the seven inch. One is mire comfortable to use and the other is more comfortable to hold.

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