Thursday, July 7, 2011

Dinner Tonight

I'm making homemade lasagna for dinner tonight. It's a fairly difficult thing to make ordinarily but the baby has been sick all day. He keeps throwing up just about everything he eats. The poor little guy is acting like himself playing and laughing. It s so sad and hard to watch. The only thing you can do in cases like this is make sure they stay hydrated and wait it out.  I'm hoping its a 24 hour bug that will pass soon since its been about that long already. The Lasagna is a little different than I've made in the past. I usually make it with browned Italian Sausage. This time I'm using frozen precooked meatballs. I cut them up in order to add them into the layers of Lasagna. We've had these meatballs before on sandwiches and spagetti so I know they're good but this is a little different. One nice thing about making Lassgna is the fact that you can make it at noon, throw it in the refrigerator and then bake it 1 hour before its time to eat. I still have to make the garlic toast but that's child's play, which I'm sure I'll burn now that I said that. I also got 3 loads of laundry washed, dried and folded today so it has been a fairly productive day which is good because tomorrow is Monday for me and the beginning of another exciting work week.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fireworks last Night

Last night we went with my in laws and my sister in law to watch fireworks with our 2 boys. The 4 year old loved the show and has been talking about it all day. He told us last night that he would be careful when we got home because he was going to light his own fireworks. He's at that age where just about everything he says is hilarious. Our 18 month old wasn't nearly as thrilled with the fireworks, I think the noise was to much for him. He didn't cry but he definitly wasn't enjoying it. I'm very tired today because I stayed up pretty late to watch the fireworks but it was worth it to see the amazed look on my son's face.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Fun in the Sun

It's been a fun weekend the last 3 days in Phoenix. Yesterday was 118 degrees and felt hotter. Today was only 108 but the humidity shot way up so it was miserable. Tomorrow we will hopefully get to enjoy some fireworks and time with family in celebration of the United States' 235th birthday. I have a sad feeling that if the Founding Fathers were around today the would be delighted and apalled at many aspects of modern America. The horror of a huge and overreaching government and a victim mentality among the citizenry would most likely sadden them. At the same time the shining beacon that this country has become to much of the world as well as the continuation of the Republic they established would probably delight the likes of Jefferson, Adams and Hamilton. Happy Birthday America, and France sucks; that is all.