Sunday, February 27, 2011

My review of Android Podcasts.

Android Central Podcast on Thursday Nights at 9 pm central.
     This show is hosted by Phil Nickinson whose also the Editor of Android Central. He's joined by Jerry Hildenbrand, Micky Paplon and Corey Streater. I have to be honest and say that this is by far my favorite Android Podcast. These four gentleman have a great interaction with each other.  They each have some specialized knowledge from Jerry's Linux background to Micky knowing everything about the way the cell systems actually work. Phil was a newspaper journalist before becoming a blogger and it shows in the way he reports stories and his Editorial policies for the site. The Android Central Podcast is in my opinion the most professional one of tjem all. If you are only going to listen to one Android Podcast thisould be my recommendation. 4.5/5

Android Guys Monday Night Podcast
     This is the longest running Android Podcast and its not a bad one in my opinion. The host Scott Webster also writes for Cnet and runs the Android Guys site. The panel discusses many of the most relevent Android stories of the week and for the most part they do it fairly well. The sound quality unfortunately suffers greatly on this show from week to week. Scott sometimes seems like be has a hard time keeping the show on focus and to the point but some of his cohorts are very knowledgeable.  The Android guys Monday night podcast is like a slightly less polished version of the Android Central Podcast and worth a listen. 3.73/5

Android Guys Thursday Nights.
     AGTN as they call themselves is the Android Podcast for those interested in getting the most of their device. This show is hosted by Ray and is really interesting to those interested in rooting and hacking their phone. It's a bit more amateur than Android Central and the Monday night show but still a good listen. They have interviews with app developers that are pretty good and give you a good insight to what a developer goes through and what they are working on. 3/5

Cnet Android Atlas Weekly
     The sound quality in this show is the best of them all. You can tell when listening that this is done in a studio not a home Skype job. That being said in my opinion its the most boring of them all. The hosts don't even come accross as fans of Android. Its important to be enthusiastic about your subject in a podcast like this that is targeted towards fans. I listen to Android Atlas weekly sometimes but only if I don't have any other tech podcasts in my que. 2.5/5

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Millers leaving Engadget.

The Engadget crew is down both of their Millers. Paul Miller of the Podcast is gone.  I will miss him as he brings some non communist views to the conversation. Ross Miller leaving really has little effect on me. I have a few ideas for their futures. The could if course start with Miller time. Then they could join the Steve Miller Band to form a trio. Im hoping Paul finds a podcast somewhere. Even though he's an iphone fan I would like to see or hear him on an Android Podcast somewhere.  I hear Leo Laporte at Twit is planning on starting an Android show or he could take over for the guy whose not Antwon Goodwin on Cnets Android Atlas weekly.  This guy is as exciting as Ben Stein and as knowledgeable of Android as Steve Jobs. Plus let's be honest Android could use a Pixel Density Enthusiast.  So to Paul Miller I say good luck and to Ross Miller sorry I didn't follow you but good luck to you as well.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

MWC Phones

    So far the Mobile World Congress is about halfway through. The biggest news seems to be the Nokia announcement that they are getting into bed with Microsoft and adopting Windows Phone 7. I can't say I really car. If they succeed or die trying it really has no effect in the long run because the competition in the smartphone market is so fierce already one more OEM or OS wont make a difference.
     Samsung announced a new Galaxy tab that is designed to run Android 3.0 Honeycomb. Since its a Google experience device Samsung can't screw up the update process. I wish I could say that fir the Galaxy 2 phones they showed off because the phone looks awesome.
     LG showed off a nice looking tablet. Its half way in between the ipad/xoom size and the Nook Color/Blackberry Playbook/ Galaxy Tab size. I would like to see one just based in the size alone. It also has Honeycomb which im excited about. Unfortunately this tablet and LGs new high end phone both have 3d integration with cameras and screens capable of taking in and displaying 3D content. I don't care about this feature and view it as a gimmick.
    Special thanks to and They have both had awesome live blots, updates, tweets and podcasts with everything that has been going on at the show.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Androidify Wife

Using a new app for my Droid X where you can use the Little Green Android and modify it just about anyway you want. Here's my wife.
In both Green and regular and myself. Its called Androidify and its a fun free app.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The pricing of the Motorola Atrix

$199.99 for the phone itself is pretty standard for a high end phone these days. The subsidy price for the phone and laptop dock is $499. That's insanity at its finest, or so it may seem until you hear that the dock by itself is $499. With that pricing model AT&T has ensured very few sales. For the $300 difference in the dock/phone combination that could easily be applied to buying a netbook that is much more powerful and not any bigger. And the best part is if you buy the combination you automatically get an extra $20 on your monthly bill for tethering.   AT&T reems the customer again.
     Its to bad that what could have been an awesome piece of technology turned to nothing because of greed. Not a surprise but a shame.  If you were thinking if getting the Attic accessories I would advise you to save your money. Buy a netbook and then root your Atrix so you can tether for free. I call that the Fu#k AT&T tax.