Thursday, February 3, 2011

The pricing of the Motorola Atrix

$199.99 for the phone itself is pretty standard for a high end phone these days. The subsidy price for the phone and laptop dock is $499. That's insanity at its finest, or so it may seem until you hear that the dock by itself is $499. With that pricing model AT&T has ensured very few sales. For the $300 difference in the dock/phone combination that could easily be applied to buying a netbook that is much more powerful and not any bigger. And the best part is if you buy the combination you automatically get an extra $20 on your monthly bill for tethering.   AT&T reems the customer again.
     Its to bad that what could have been an awesome piece of technology turned to nothing because of greed. Not a surprise but a shame.  If you were thinking if getting the Attic accessories I would advise you to save your money. Buy a netbook and then root your Atrix so you can tether for free. I call that the Fu#k AT&T tax.

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